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Administrative office managers can document their supervisory efforts in Faculty Success on the Administrative Assignments screen in the General Information section.
Create one record per year per employee supervised.
Select the “Other” role. Consistency in how you explain “other” will ensure orderly presentation of this content in the Annual Activity Report. For example, Supervision, Joe Doe, 2020. Supervision, Jane Doe, 2020.
Skip the “Scope” field. Hours per year spent on supervision is of specific interest to the regional directors; enter a reasonably approximate number.
Complete the “Description” and “Accomplishments” fields, noting year over year improvements in employee skills and performance.
Describe any diversity, equity, or inclusion efforts, enter the year end date, and save the record.
Note that you can duplicate an individual’s supervision record for future years. See the training resource Duplicate a Record, then update the description, accomplishments, and dates.