Watch Video OR Jump to Step-by-Step Instructions
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Beginning in December 2017, the Annual Prof Review will be conducted in Faculty Success Workflow for all tenured, tenure-track, and fixed-term field-based Extension faculty, as well as professional faculty who deliver instructional content. If you are unsure, please check with your regional administrator.
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The review process is documented on the Extension intranet here: You are encouraged to review this content to fully understand the process.
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For faculty, this is a four-step process.
Now let’s walk through the process in a bit more detail.
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Login to Faculty Success and complete any data entry for the year.
Please note this information is critical for internal OSU, and external county, state, and federal reporting so your records are critically important to the overall success of the entire organization.
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When your workflow has launched, you will receive a Faculty Success-branded email indicating that the reporting window has opened. Faculty Success will send weekly reminders. One day before the due-date, you will receive an additional reminder. The annual reporting deadline is approximately January 15 each year. Should you miss that deadline, Faculty Success will send you a reminder every 3 days until you have submitted your review material. Missing a submission deadline will not lock you out of Faculty Success Workflow.
Clicking the “Open Now” link in the email will take you to the Workflow environment. Alternatively, you can log in to Faculty Success and select “Workflow” in the top menu.
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On the Workflow screen, you will see two sections, Inbox for Workflows that are in progress and assigned to you; and History for past Workflows. If you would like to see the goals you submitted last year, you can access them by clicking on the appropriate Workflow from the history section.
Click on the Workflow under Inbox to proceed.
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This screen has a lot of information on it, so let’s take all these items one at a time.
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When you click on your annual activity report, it will open in a new tab. Review the content of the report. When you are done, close this tab to go back to the main Workflow screen.
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Continue down the screen, entering narrative about your accomplishments, challenges, and goals for the coming year. Below the goals field you will find a place to upload one additional document.
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To complete your Workflow, click on the Actions button, then choose Submit.
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The next step in the review process is for your supervisory team to review the content you have submit and write your summary review. The review committee consists of your supervisor/regional director, program leader, and department/school head, if applicable.
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By April, you should receive an email from Docusign. Click on the Review Document link in the email. Note you may be asked to login to DocuSign.
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In this DocuSign form, please
A friendly word of advice: The rebuttal is not the place for you to exercise your humor. Rebutting your annual review moves it into an HR action status.
This completes your annual review process.
If you have questions about content or the process for your annual review, please contact your supervisor.
If you have technical questions Faculty Success Workflow please contact Adam Schaeffer.