Change Type: 
Change Scope: 
All Users
Change Date: 
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Format and logic fix

Issue found and fix requested by Linda Brewer.

In the OSU-ComprehensiveCV report there is a minor formatting issue and a logic issue. 
C.1.b.VII "Other authored content not peer-reviewed" is not set to an H5 tag so it doesn't show up in the navigation pane. 

The logic of the Other authored content, not peer-reviewed section is not right in that it's showing too many records.  The logic of this section is incorrect because too many types of records are displaying together. Below is updated logic for this section of the report. 

Screen: Publications and Intellectual Contributions 
Items: All records 
1.Publication Type is not one of: "Conference Proceeding", "Abstract", "Extension Publication", "Extension Teaching Material", "Extension Program Management Material", "Newsletter", "Magazine/Trade Publication", "Website" 
2. Was this peer-reviewed/refereed? is not equal to "Yes" 
3. Current Status is not one of: "In Preparation; Not Yet Submitted", "Not Accepted"